Available courses

Introduction of Galelian transformation 


This unit is offered to BSC 1ST Semester Computer Science

This course is offered to 2nd Semester BSc. Computer Science.

This course is part of subject “ Problem Solving Techniques & Programming in C “.

This course is for 10 marks.

This unit is a part of CS303 Digital Computer Design

Offered to Bsc 3 rd sem.

This course is offered to 4th Semester BSc Computer Science.

The Course is a part of the subject “Object Oriented Programming in Java

This Course is for 20 marks.

This course is offered for 4th sem

This unit is part of Data Structure using C

Offered to 5th sem

Unit 1:

  1. Definition of Data Structure
  2. Primitive and Composite Data Types
  3. Asymtotic Notations
  4. Arrays
  5. Operations on Arrays
  6. Order lists

This Course is for 25 marks as per Manipur University.

This course is offered to 6th Semester BSc Computer Science Honours Degree.

This course is a part of the subject “ Operating Systems [CS 609] “

This course is for 10 marks.

THis course is for 6sem

This course is offered to 6th Semester BSc Computer Science Honours Degree.
This course is a part of the subject “ Operating Systems [CS 609] “

This course is offered to 6th Semester BSc Computer Science (Honours).

This course is a part of the Subject “ Database Management Systems “.

This course is for 15 marks.

This course is offered to 6th Semester BSc Computer Science Honours Degree.
This course is a part of the subject “ Database Management System" [CS 608] “

Indian Philosophy 1 for second semester.

These carries 15 marks.

This course crarries 15 mark

For these course carries 15 marks

2.1       Notion of Central Tendency: Average, characteristics of an ideal average.

2.2       Arithmatic Mean (A.M.): Definition, effect of change of origin and scale, combined mean           of a number of groups, merits and demerits, its applications.

2.3       Mode: Definition, formula for computation (with derivcation), graphical method of determination of median, merits and demerits, its applications.

2.4       Median: Definition, formula for computation (with derivcation), graphical method of determination of median, merits and demerits, its applications.

2.5       Empirical relation between mean, median and mode.

2.6       Partition Values: Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles, their applications.

2.7       Geometric Mean (G.M.): Definition, merits and demerits, its applications.

2.8       Harmonic Mean (H.M.): Definition, merits and demerits, its applications.

2.9       Relation between A.M., G.M., and H.M.

2.10     Weighted Mean: Weighted A.M., G.M. and H.M.

3.1       Concept of despersion, characteristics of an ideal measure of dispersion.

3.2       Range: Definition, merits and demerits.

3.3       Semi-interquartile range (Quartile deviation).

3.4       Mean deviation: Definition, merits and demerits, minimality property (without proof).

3.5       Mean square deviation: Definition, minimality property of mean square deviation (with proof), Variance and standard deviation – definition, merits and demerits, effect of change of origin and scale.

3.6       Determination of variance of combine series.

3.7       Measures of dispersion for comparison: coefficient of range, coefficient of quartile diviation and coefficient of mean deviation, coefficient of variatioin (C.V.)

4.1       Raw moments for grouped and ungrouped data.

4.2       Moments about an arbitary constant for grouped and ungrouped data.

4.3       Central moments for grouped and ungrouped data, Effect of change of origin and scale, Sheppard’s correction for moments upto fourth order (without proof).

4.4       Relations between central moments and raw moments (upto fourth order).

5.1       Concepts of Skewness of frequency distribution, positive skewness, negative skewness and symmetric frequency distribution.

5.2       Bowley’s coefficient of Skewness.

5.3       Karl Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness.

5.4       Measure of Skewness based on moments.

5.5       Concepts of Kurtosis, Leptokurtic, Mesokurtic and Platykurtic frequency distributions.

5.6       Measures of Kurtosis based on moments.

Introduction of Correlation 

This course is offer to 2nd semester of statistics

4.1          Multiple and partial correlation (for three variables), their coefficients and properties, redisual and its properties, variance of residuals.

4.2          Multiple and partial correlation coefficient in terms of total correlation coefficients for three variables.

4.3          Explained and unexplained variation, coefficient of determination.

4.4          Intra class correlation coefficient (derivation) and its limits.

4.5          Correlation ratio (derivation) and its properties.

4.6          Pearsonian system of curve – Personian general differential equation and derivation of Pearsonian curves of Types – I, II and III.

4.7          Orthogonal polynomial – its importance and derication of orthogonal polynomials.

5.1          Derivation of t, F, X2 distributions, shape of its curves and its properties.

5.2          Theorems of X2 distribution.

5.3          Relation between t, F and X2.

5.4          Derivation of sampling distribution of sample total correlation coefficient and sample range.

Mohammed Bin Tughlaq

Dlhi Sultanate is the syudy of medieval Indian History 

Study of medieval Indian History

The beginning of Modern Indian History will be discussed here.

history of Europe

It is a history to give us a knowledge of the southeast Asia 

This course contains 5 units of 75 arks

This course is for 15 marks.

This course is for 12 marks

This course  is of 20 marks

Theories and solving problems

Theories, problem solving and laboratory works etc

 I will teach you Electric fieid and magnetic field

Theories, Problem solving and lab works etc

The theory  portions will be discussed here

Discussion, interaction and problem solving

Notes on Special functions

Discussion, interaction, problem solving, seminars etc

Theories, problem solving, Lab works etc

Experimental  analysis with calculation

Discussion, interaction and seminars

Discussion, interaction, problem solving, seminars, work shop etc

Structure of crystal structures and superconductor etc.

unit i:solution:The solution containing a solute and a solvent is known a binary solution ,solution having two solutes and a solvent is known as ternary solution

Chemical Kinetics-1 : Order and Molecurity of a reaction.

First Semester



BSc 1st semester Chemistry CH101

Section A

 BSc  2nd semester Chemistry : CH202

BSc 4th Semester Chemistry : CH404




Description: Electrochemistry

Cell membranes,unit membranes concept

Principles of animal classification

History and Principles of animal classification

oriental region

History and Principles of Animal classification

  1. Principles of Animal classification
  2. History of Classification

 Unit 2 

Coelentereta: Srtuctural organization and affinities

Platyhelminthes: Strutural oganization of Trematoda and Cestoda. Life cycle and parasitic adaptation in Fasciola hepatica and Taenaia solium

Aschelminthes: Distinguishing characters and classification upto orders, Life cycle, pathogenicity and prophylaxis of Ascaris lumbricoides

Unit 4: Minor phyla

Distinguishing characters and examples of Nemeritinea, Rotifer, Acanthocephala, Spinculida, Echiurida(Ectoprocta), Brachyopoda and Phoronida

unit 2- Coelenterata, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes

Coelenterata: Structural organisation and affinities

Platyhelminthes :Structural organisation of Trematoda and cestoda

Description : 

1. Study of life history stages of a Honey bee ( e.g. Indian bee -Apis  serana indica ).

2. Study of life history stages of a Silk moth ( e.g. Mulberry silk worm -Bombyx  mori  or Oak Tasar silk worm - Antheraea proyeli ).

3. Study of life history stages of a Fish.

4. Morphological differences among the different castes of Honey bee. ( e.g.  Indian bee -Apis  serana indica ).

1 )Study of ecosystem of a pond. 

     i)  Identification of biotic and abiotic components.

      ii) Recording of turbidity, temperature, and pH. 

       iii) Estimation of Oxygen ( Winkler's Method ) of Pond water

        iv) Estimation of Carbon dioxide ( Phenolphthalein method ) of Pond water

2 ) Population study by tagging experiment ( to track the movement of animals ) -marking, releasing & recapturing method.

About the biotechnology 

Cell Biology & Genetics

Description :

1. Study of developmental stages of frog ( permanent slides, WM ): cleavage, gastrula and  neurula.

2. Study of developmental stages of chick ( permanent slides, WM ): 18, 24, 36, 48 and 72 hours incubation.

3. Study of permanent slides of sections of blastula and gastrula of chick and neurula and external gills of frog.


Identification  = 1/2

Characters ( 3 points ) = 1/2 x 3 = 1  1/2

Total = 2

Three slides = 3  x  2  =  6  Marks

Definitions of endocrine glands and neurosecretory cells

Functions and hormones secreted by different endocrine glands

Miscellaneous hormones secreted by gastrointestinal system,kidney,placenta and heart and their functions

Main Topic : Endocrinology

Definition of endocrine glands and neurosecretory cells

Functions and hormones secreted by different endocrine glands

Miscellaneous hormones secreted by gastrointestinal system, kidney,placenta, heart and their functions

Description :

1. Estimation of Haemoglobin %. ( Experimental result & Procedure = 7+5 = 12 marks ).

2. Counting of RBC using haemocytometer.(Experimental result & Procedure = 7+5 = 12 marks ).

3. Counting of WBC using haemocytometer(Experimental result & Procedure = 7+5 = 12 marks ).

4. Effects of isotonic, hypotonic & hypertonic solutions on erythrocytes.( Experimental result & Procedure = 5+3 = 8 marks ).

5. Preparation of haemin crystals.( Experimental result & Procedure = 5+3 = 8 marks ).

6. Recording of the heart beat of frog / toad.( Recording & procedure = 5 + 5 = 10 marks ).

7. Determination of ABO and Rh factor of blood.(Exptl. result + procedure + Rh factor = 4+4+2=10 marks )

Endocrinology :Definitions of endocrine glands, neurosecretory cells

Functions and hormones secreted by different endocrine glands

Biological chemistry : its scope and importance. Chemistry of carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Nucleic          acids. Enzymes: nature, classification and functions. Co-enzymes and prosthetic groups. Enzyme actions.

Intermediary metabolism : Carbohydrates : Embden-Meyerhoff pathways ( Glycolysis ), TCA cycle ( Krebs          cycle ), Glycogenolysis, Glycogenesis and Gluconeogenolysis. Biological oxidations with special                     reference  to the role of the electron transport system. Basic concept of Bioenergetics.

     Lipid : Oxidation of fatty acids, fate of glycerol, keton body formation and utilization. Interraction of               carbohydrate and lipids.

     Proteins : Metabolism of amino acids. Oxidative deamination, tran-aminations, decarboxylation,                   enzymology of urea cycle. Fate of glucogenic and ketogenic amino acids. Interrelationship of metabolic       pathways. 


Bentham& Hooker's natural system of classification   

Embryology :- Embryology is the study of Embryo and it includes the study of stamen, carpel microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis, male gametophyte, female gametophyte , fertilization, endosperm formation and embryoformation (Embryogenesis)

Plant Geography: Its scope and importance; phytogeographical regions of India; factors affecting plant distribution; plant dispersal, migration methods, endemism and barriers of distribution.      Marks: 15

Early stage of geographical studies 

India is a vast country having divided into 6 zones .

This course is 100 marks. 

Nature of geography, emergence of geography as a subject, geography and other disciplines.

Fundamentals of Geography

The Solar system and origin of earth; Rocks - their origin and classification:

Interior of the earth; Earth movements - organic and epeirogenic; Earthquakes

and volcanoes, major land forms.


economic activities in the early period of human civilization,, sectors of economic activities 

physical geography 

Human Geography

Unit-I The nature, scope and concepts of geomorphology; Relationship of geomorphology with other branches of earth sciences; Geological time scale.

Unit-II Earth’s interior, Wegener’s theory of Continental drift, Plate Tectonics; Earth movements - orogenic and epeirogenic; Types of folds and faults, isostasy. earthquakes and volcanoes, type's of mountains.

Unit-Ill Rocks and minerals - origin and composition of rocks, classification of rocks Weathering, formation of regolith and soils, rocks and relief.

Unit-IV Geomorphic agents and processes, erosion, transportation and deposition; Mass wasting; Evolution of landscape; Concept of cycle of erosion, interruption to cycle of erosion, fluvial, arid, glacial, karst and coastal landscapes.

Unit-V Applied geomorphology : settlements, transport, land-use, mining, resource evaluation, environmental and assessment.

Water resource Managent

Water crisis

The course carries 10 marks